Soot on homes, smelly odors in the streets ... The fire that ravaged the plant Lubrizol in Rouen, September 26, continues to cause concern among the population and associations denounce the lack of transparency of the government. What do the results of the first health hazard tests reveal? How to protect yourself? We take stock. 

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Hues of white color appear every year in summer dresses, this season there are especially many of them. Boiling white, icy, milky, powdery - all these tones were on the podium, and therefore should appear in our wardrobe.

Cool white outfits look not just fresh, but also aristocratic, if you combine them in the right ensembles.


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The choice of a good postal packaging is essential to protect the documents or objects to be mailed. Operators in the field of e-commerce must find a reliable solution to ensure the shipment of items ordered. Thanks to a packaging of excellent finish and designed with a durable material, they can send with confidence to their recipients all types of products, even the most fragile.


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Work on content management system CMS is full of wonders. Under the cut instructive story of Petr Palas. If you are doing well with English, then the original text can be read here . Enjoy!

Writing your own CMS is like keeping an elephant at home. 

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You are definitely wondering how to make money on the internet and especially how to make money with a website.

Know that there are different ways to monetize a website (or a blog), but that all methods usually require one thing in common - to get the maximum amount of targeted traffic.


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If you agreed with the car owner about the price, and the inspection of the car did not reveal any serious defects, then it's time to find out the legal purity of the car. That is, to find out if he was taken on credit, as well as to check the car for theft and service history.


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When you are new, there are a lot of things that need to be studied, done, taken into account - not to mention the fact that technologies are constantly evolving, new programs appear, new trends are coming into fashion. Honestly, all this can put serious pressure.

So let's slow down a bit. In this article we will discuss the 20 principles of design that (we hope) will help you take the first steps in this creative environment. So settle down and let's discuss the principles.

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Cashback sites have developed in notoriety in the course of the most recent couple of years, despite the fact that they have been around the end of 1990s. In the event that you still can't seem to take the cashbackback shopping dive, it might be valuable to realize how money back sites function, including the upsides and downsides of utilizing them, and how to maintain a strategic distance from what customers find are the absolute most regular issues. 

About Cash-Back Website

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Espresso vs coffee 'normal': Are they two different types of coffee or a single one? What is the difference between espresso and 'normal' coffee? Do we really use different types of coffee beans? No, of course not, we are simply preparing it differently and with different models of coffee makers.



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Based on his observations, Professor Lieras-Muney argues that people with a higher level of education have greater ability to plan their future and manage their emotions, so that they eventually have more successful and full relations with others: the level of divorce and depressed moods among they are much lower, she notes, which in the end can lead to an increase in their level of satisfaction. "If more education means the development of abilities and skills to solve problems, then for sure in the long term it will mean more satisfaction, because these skills will effectively resist unexpected life situations and the complexities that reality puts before them," says Gabriela Topa (Gabriela Topa), Professor of Social Psychology and Psychology at the National University of Extramural Education (UNED). But she notes that this is not a direct relationship - "education does not guarantee that anyone will be happy", but about indirect: "If you have more abilities and means, then you can live better life in all its manifestations, including complexities, illnesses and death. "



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