Soot on homes, smelly odors in the streets ... The fire that ravaged the plant Lubrizol in Rouen, September 26, continues to cause concern among the population and associations denounce the lack of transparency of the government. What do the results of the first health hazard tests reveal? How to protect yourself? We take stock. 

A nauseating smell, soot on the terraces or cars ... The population is worried. Last Thursday, September 26th, the fire that affected the Lubrizol factory in Rouen, which produces "additives for lubricants", classified SEVESO high threshold, forced the inhabitants of Rouen and 12 other communes to remain confined to their homes. Since then, benefits have been reported far beyond. On the web, messages from Internet users posting images of thick black traces on homes or others are multiplying: some in Lille, others in the Aisne and Oise also. 

Is soot dangerous for your health? 
In a statement released the next day, Friday, Sept. 27, the Ministry of Health said it conducted air quality analyzes immediately during the night of the fire and the day that followed. Result: " Volatile organic compounds are all below the threshold of quantification (too small a quantity to be measured) and show a usual state of air quality on the health plan except for the measurement made on the site Lubrizol for benzene. "  A stench of nauseating sulfur still persists in the streets of Rouen causing the concerns of the population.In this regard, the government admits its presence but nothing more. 

As regards soot:  " A first series of 6 surface samples were made". Result: " For areas remote from the plant, the analyzes do not show any significant difference between the control sample and the 5 others located under the smoke plume for PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)".  On the other hand, concerning the area near the plant, a higher content of metals was found, such as lead and asbestos. The People who are working near the plant can suffer from frozen shoulder disease. For the former, the government explains " that there is no regulatory threshold and sanitary reference values " thus allowing to properly assess a hazard from a historical source.The observed values ​​are consistent with those that can be encountered in urban areas and therefore, it is not possible to attribute the origin of these values ​​to the event " , says the statement. assessments must be made on this point. 

For asbestos: the government confirms its presence in the roof that burned and after a first series of surveys, the director of the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal) Normandy Patrick Berg says that " the risk related to asbestos is not proven ".

5253 tons of chemicals burned
On Tuesday, October 1st, the Seine-Maritime prefecture unveiled the detailed list of chemicals that were destroyed during the fire, as well as the 479 safety data sheets stating " the characteristics of the products and the associated risks, particularly in the event of a fire. combustion ": viscosity improvers, detergents, anti-wear additives, solvents, virgin oils ... Several of these products are classified as potentially toxic for reproduction, for certain organs, for aquatic organisms, carcinogenic or even fatal if swallowed or inhalation. 

Official reports consulted by Mediapart in 2016 explained that the plant contains products " very dangerous for the environment ", and that there is a risk of " formation of toxic substances " in case of fire.

But the information provided by the list remains unclear: the Association for the Protection of Humans from Sciatica and the Environment "Robin Hood" denounces an " industrial striptease number reserved for insiders " . Moreover, it deplores the fact that " this partial inventory only concerns finished products packaged in drums, lacking intermediate materials, production waste and waste resulting from the destruction of certain fixed or mobile installations ".

For its part, the Association Generations Futures says " it is at this stage impossible to know what became of these substances, mixed, during combustion ". It hopes that " complete and detailed analyzes of soot and smoke collected will be published quickly", and " that an epidemiological monitoring of the population is set up " to detect the occurrence of possible pathologies in the population exposed to fumes and soot from Lubrizol in the coming years. She also  announced that she had filed a complaint against X for endangering others and damaging the environment. 

What are the health recommendations? 
In the meantime, regional health agencies have established safety guidelines for those who see soot and dust fallout. 

Regarding the cleaning of soot: 

Avoid any contact directly on the skin or the mucous membranes.
Clean only with water while wearing gloves and do not use high pressure cleaner to prevent particle suspension. 
For smooth, flat surfaces, use a glass cleaner and paper towel or water with detergent on a clean cloth.
No dry sweeping or vacuuming. 
Change filter and grilles for ventilations that would be dirty.

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