If you are interested in Internet marketing trends, then you definitely heard about Cross-sell and Up-sell. Almost every thematic resource speaks about resale. And many entrepreneurs immediately set about setting up pop-ups on their selling resources. Sometimes it works well, but ... Let's face it: for physical goods, the percentage of success is minimal.
But there is a way!
I offer you 5 techniques that you can implement right now. I must say right away that specifically not every one of them will work for you. Because business is not mathematics, where everything works according to specific formulas. Rather, it is creativity, where sometimes you have to improvise.
Therefore, I propose right now to choose the appropriate technique for you and implement them comprehensively. This approach will greatly increase your chances of success of sales.
1. Technique “And yet this”
Stop stop! This is not what you thought.
The “With this product they buy ...” block can be seen in almost every more or less high-quality online store. But does it bring the desired profit?
Your customers are NOT stupid!
They know very well what else you can buy in addition to the selected product. Therefore, if you say, “Look at this again.” They just take it and take a look (maybe). But they’re unlikely to buy it.
It is much easier to work with a hot audience and existing customers. It is a fact. But this does not mean that you can score on selling triggers in purchase offers.
Give your audience more content. Get them interested. You do not just need to submit additional products. It is boring and uninteresting.
Sell emotions, desires and solutions to problems.
For example, a person bought a bicycle in your online store. You may be interested in it by sending an email with a catalog of accessories. But the probability is minimal. Instead, post a video that shows how the headlights help you move around at night. Or show how dangerous riding without a helmet can be.
You are “beating in pain”. The reaction will be appropriate.
2. Technique “I know where you live”
No, you don’t need to scare customers with such headers. But always keep the phrase in mind.
You will need demographic data to “read the minds” of customers. By the way, this technique can also be used for a cold audience .
Much depends on your assortment. The method will not work if you sell, for example, only phone cases. But turning on the imagination, in this case, you can find a cool solution.
Let's analyze the technique with examples:
Clothing. You know that in Odessa the beach season is about to begin. Gather the base of Odessa residents in a separate segment and offer a new collection of swimwear.
Appliances. Chernigov is already cold, but heating has still not been turned on. Make an advertisement for city residents with a promotion on heaters.
Car parts. Snow fell in Lviv. A great reason for motorists to finally change the car.
You offer what is really relevant right now. This is a win-win technique if you set up your ads correctly.
Resale technique
For existing customers send an e-mail or message to the messenger. Personal contact will increase the likelihood of a sale by a few percent.
3. The technique “We are still here”
You noticed that after completing a purchase in some online store, you immediately receive a letter in the mail with a text like: “Look, they’re also buying with this product.” This is a relatively good approach. The customer is still “hot”, and the products offered are more relevant than ever. Personal appeal in a letter only fuels interest or normally companies offers vouchers.
Such tactics would work well 2-3 years ago. But not right now. Customers are already used to such emails. There is no effect of surprise. Consequently, interest in related products disappears.
2 things will help:
Use the approach “And this one.” Try not to sell the goods themselves, but the solution and emotions. Do not tell the person: “Buy it.” Say, “Look what happens if you buy.”
Remind yourself over time. The period depends on the specifics of the product. For example, you sell phones. And you know that over time, batteries begin to discharge faster. Say after 3 months. After this time after buying the phone, send a letter to the client with an assortment of Power Banks. This is a repeated letter! Offer a person to buy an accessory right away, along with the phone. If the client ignores the offer, re-remind you after a certain period.
The same technique is great for products with a specific shelf life. For example, you sell contact lenses. You know that in a month their term expires. A week before, send a letter to the client with an offer to make a second purchase. If you also offer a discount, the likelihood of success will increase significantly.
The same approach is used for products with an approximate shelf life. If you sell shoes and carefully study the range, then you know exactly when each model wears out. Therefore, you can calculate when a new proposal will be most relevant to the client.
4. Technique “It's time to upgrade”
The offer is based on products that the customer prefers. Suitable for things that really make sense to update regularly. The same shoes, clothes, perfumes, accessories and so on. Examine the needs and preferences of the audience and divide it into segments, depending on the results. As soon as products that may suit a specific segment fall into your range, make an offer.