1. What is education? Educating has several meanings: teaching, driving, training - giving shape -. Education is an activity which aims to teach, to direct behaviors, to give theoretical and practical training on certain aspects. For example, there is a sports, professional, religious, linguistic, social education, etc.
2. What is children's education? The aim of this education is to teach, train and direct children so that they acquire the qualities necessary to be better people. Therefore, it embraces many areas of theoretical and practical learning.
3. Who is responsible for raising children? The education of children is up to their parents, to their own children and to those around them - and to the State - whether they want to get in touch with good people. The Church also wants people to acquire the training and the qualities that bring them closer to heavenly happiness . In the case of children, the primary caregivers are the parents.
4. What do we claim in the academic field? On the art academic level, we pursue two main objectives:
In its fundamental and general aspect, education tends to transmit to young people the main knowledge that humanity has acquired over time.
In addition, it is to prepare them for future professional life.
5. What are we looking for in human education? Academic education is not enough. It must be accompanied by human training in which the acquisition and development of the qualities that are part of a good personality are targeted. For example, it is a question of getting them to be just, loyal, sincere, kind, firm, sacrificed, generous, hardworking, optimistic, pious, noble, etc.
6. In the education of children, what should we pay special attention to? Special attention should be paid to matters that result in the greater good of children . This is why Christian parents take great interest in their spiritual education, to facilitate their eternal happiness which is the greatest good possible.
7. But the parents differ in their preferences and priorities, what to do then? To satisfy this diversity, it is important that there are several educational projects and freedom of choice.
8. Examples of freedom of choice? For example, one should not be forced to study art at the nearest institute. Young people from poor neighborhoods should be able to study in other neighborhoods if they or their parents wish.
B. Differentiated education
1. What is differentiated education? Differentiated education is called that where young boys and girls study in different places, in order to better take care of their particularities. She opposes mixed education where boys and girls study together.
2. Why choose a differentiated education? This education is based on the fact that there are real differences between boys and girls, and this distinction has an influence on the way of educating them. Differentiated education is sensitive to this differentiation.
3. Differences that influence education? Between girls and boys, there are several differences that should be taken into account to ensure their education:
Girls mature faster than boys. - this anticipation in maturity is a well-known fact which influences academic performance, in the way of considering education, and in mutual comparisons.
Girls and boys think differently. - this is something well known in many families . Therefore, a teacher will better educate girls and a teacher will get along better with boys.
Girls and boys behave differently. - in general, boys are more active and restless. The fact that they are so is not pathological and does not deserve punishment. We must not educate them so that they behave like girls. The reverse either.
4. Advantages of differentiated education .- Advantages of this education are obvious:
We take better care of the peculiarities of the students, as we saw in the previous point. And as a result, the academic and training results are improving.
Sex discrimination and prejudice are decreasing. Sex is less present and there is more freedom of behavior without having to respond to the presence of the other sex.
In centers with differentiated education, there is more tranquility, because of the decrease in sexual tensions: boys free themselves from the obsession with looking at girls; girls free themselves from sexual harassment and excessive concern for their physical appearance. In addition, in the differentiated centers, the girls become more friends with each other because they do not see themselves as competitors in attracting the attention of the boys.
In differentiated education, there are fewer academic distractions.
C. Typical shots
1. Is there discrimination in differentiated education? Treating what is truly distinct is not discriminatory. There would be discrimination if there were not equal opportunities, for example if there were no girls' colleges. Differentiated education is a symptom of freedom of educational choice. On this point, one can consult the themes discrimination , machismo.
2. If life is mixed, why separate in education? For reasons of convenience, which are the same reasons for which there are distinctions in life. For example, in sports competitions, there is separation because it is suitable. In our case, it is a question of considering what is suitable for education.
3. Isn't it better that everyone is equal in all cases? No, please. No standardization. It is much better to have all the differences, each with their own personality, although there is equality in some other things. Freedom. An advantage of differentiated education is precisely to better protect the personality development of boys and girls. And it avoids massification.
4. So what is recommended? It is advised that there is freedom of choice and respect for those who prefer another educational model. Differentiated education is not the only factor that can be considered. For example, the quality of the teaching is of great interest, as are the ethical and spiritual principles that are transmitted in the college.