
In addition to the positive short-term effects, sport also has extremely good long-term, structural effects on our brain. Through movement or sporting activity and the associated increased cerebral blood flow, nerve growth substances, so-called neurotropins, are increasingly produced. These support the formation of new neurons, which takes place continuously in the brain. Studies have shown that athletes, especially in the so-called supplementary motor area, have significantly more brain matter than non-athletes. However, scientists were also able to demonstrate more brain mass in other brain regions that are not responsible for physical exercise. The hippocampus, which plays an important role in processing emotions, is also more pronounced in athletes. This change is promoted by the better supply of growth substances, but also by other effects. Regular exercise affects our hormone balance permanently, because it leads to a slower breakdown of the messenger substance dopamine. As described above, dopamine is not only an endogenous mood enhancer, it is also used for important cognitive processes in the prefrontal cortex. When the dopamine level drops, attention, concentration and other mental abilities decrease. In people who are not active in sports, the level of dopamine even decreases continuously over the course of life. Through sporting activities, you can increase your dopamine levels in the short term and slow down the process of continuous decrease in the long term. In addition, through sports. Due to Covid-19, please try to fulfill the sop's like stay home, wear masks and ppe material etc.

Sports brain

The best news from the studies is that it is not the sport that is important, but regular exercise in general. Endurance sports like jogging, interval training or rowing are particularly suitable. It is important that you enjoy the sport and achieve a load intensity that optimally challenges you, because only then can you use the effects described above best for you. The correct setting is also important. Especially when you have a lot of stress, you shouldn't consider sport as a waste of time, but rather as a conscious switch-off, through which you can gather energy for upcoming challenges. Of course there are also many other methods to switch off - keeping your body and mind fit at the same time works best with sport! If you want to get started right now,

Regular sporting activity promotes fitness, strengthens muscles and endurance and ensures a healthy body feeling. Physical activity also favors the formation of new synapses and the strengthening of existing brain connections. Research has shown that people can concentrate better after exercising. So if you play sports, you not only train your body, but also your brain.

Walking - walking - jogging - cycling
Running in the fresh air provides our brains with oxygen, releases happiness hormones and reduces stress. The blood flow to the brain can be increased by about 20% while walking. Due to the increased blood flow, biochemical substances are better transported in addition to oxygen. Especially when jogging, however, you should make sure that you run within your optimal personal pulse limits. You have reached the optimal running speed if you can easily talk while jogging.

Especially crawl swimming has positive effects on our brain. The cross-movements when crawling strengthens the connection between the right and left brain and thus improves coordination and cognition.

Physically less strenuous, juggling is particularly demanding on the brain. The cooperation between the two halves of the brain trains concentration, perception and attention.

Golfing is not the greatest physical challenge either, but it increases concentration because our brain is challenged in a special way. Golfers remember the entire course in advance, which is the perfect mental training for our brain.

As scientists have found, 20 minutes of yoga a day are enough to significantly improve our memory. Yoga has been shown to strengthen our cognitive abilities, we have better reaction times and greater precision.

Climbing and bouldering is good for both physical and mental fitness. Climbing strengthens the working memory and improves the coordination and self-awareness of the body.

It is best to use the late afternoon or early evening to exercise. Because most people are in top form between 4 and 7 p.m. From around 9 p.m. the cardiovascular system will be shut down and performance will decrease. The body prepares for sleep. So if you still train after 9 p.m., you will often have problems with falling asleep afterwards. If you still want to do sports later in the day, you should choose sports such as yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi, in which the body comes to rest and is still trained.

If you want to support your physical and cognitive abilities naturally during sports, then BRAINEFFECT ROCKET C8 is the ideal solution. BRAINEFFECT ROCKET C8 is an MCT oil made from 100% caprylic acid, which is used to form ketones on a ketogenic diet or low carb. You can read more about the effects of MCT oil here, the corresponding product can be bought here.

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