Chips and croutons
According to various studies, the palm of primacy belongs to chips. In fact, this starchy mixture of fats, carbohydrates, dyes and flavor substitutes is a carcinogenic time bomb that provokes the occurrence of cancer. Hydrogenated fats complete the horrific picture, increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, which entails an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. In addition, chips are made from non-organic potatoes, which are grown using pesticides and other chemicals. Croutons are an example of how a completely healthy product (bread), with the help of flavoring and aromatic additives, can be turned into an extremely dangerous snack that causes various diseases of the digestive tract and allergies which is not good for a yoga lover also try to get a branded mat for exercise.
Soda and factory juices
Flavors, emulsifiers identical to "natural", stimulants, dyes, sugar, preservatives - solid chemistry, the only natural thing is water! And these are the main ingredients of factory juices and soda! Sodium benzoate (E211), acting as a preservative, leads to metabolic disorders and obesity. Synthetic sweetener - aspartame (E951), breaks down into formaldehyde, methanol and phenylalanine, which lowers the threshold of sensitivity, which over time results in manic depression, panic attacks and violence.
Fast food: hamburgers, French fries, belyashi with pies
The main danger of fast foods is that the oil they are cooked in is the same storehouse of carcinogens. The ingredients used in the production of dishes by fast food restaurants deserve special attention - solid chemical food additives, artificial colors and flavors. Some nutritionists believe that fast food causes addiction, akin to drugs due to special additives. Regular consumption of fast food is a direct path not only to diabetes and obesity, but also to various damage to the brain structure, destruction of nerve tissue and inflammatory processes.
Margarine and everything made from it - cakes, cream pies, puff pastry, cookies, gingerbread, almost all baked goods
Trans fat, also known as margarine, is considered a particularly dangerous type of fat. The trans acids it contains cause damage to blood vessels, the development of cardiovascular diseases, and the risk of cancer increases. Sweets manufacturers prefer to add margarine to almost all confectionery products (cakes, pastries, cookies, etc.), and this is fraught with guaranteed metabolic disorders and excess weight for those with a sweet tooth. So always try to avoid it so that you can keep concentration on your yoga and if you will face slippery mat you can fix it.
Sausages, smoked meats and semi-finished meat products
All sausages, salami, smoked meats, and semi-finished meat products contain a lot of hormones, nitrates, and other extremely harmful additives. Even the most natural meat products contain pork skins, lard, visceral fat, cartilage, meat scraps, about 25-30% transgenic soy, and flavor enhancers, food colorings, preservatives, flavorings, and the like give this wonderful mixture a beautiful color, pleasant taste, and enticing aroma.
Instant noodles and puree
These products contain too much fat, sugar and sodium glutamate to be useful. All ingredients are aimed solely at winning the love of the buyer. Only in addition, they also cause gastritis, colitis, obesity, and the gradual accumulation of sodium glutamate in the body provokes severe attacks of bronchial asthma, Alzheimer's disease and changes in mental health. In addition, useless, but such tasty food additives are strictly contraindicated for people suffering from liver, pancreas and kidney diseases.
Mayonnaise and ketchup
Mayonnaise is a storehouse of preservatives, sweeteners, substitutes, stabilizers and trans fats, which in turn increase cholesterol levels. In addition, mayonnaise and ketchup in plastic packaging have one little-known and unpleasant feature - vinegar releases carcinogenic substances from plastic, which, as we all know, are a direct path to oncology.
The undoubted advantages of corn are the presence of fiber, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. But all the useful properties disappear as soon as oil, salt, sugar, caramelizer, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings appear, in general, everything without which we cannot imagine popcorn! And the increased salt content causes high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction. I think it is not worth talking about the caloric content increased by various additives - everything is clear anyway!
Chocolate bars
For some reason, many people are sure that chocolate bars help the brain, but the presence of saturated fats leads to an absolutely opposite reaction - the brain slows down. The increased glucose content in these delicacies leads to diabetes, and individual components of the bars, such as dyes and flavors - allergies. Among other companions of chocolate sweets, atherosclerosis has been noted, as well as a negative effect on both the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.
Energy drinks
Coffee, like other energy drinks, increases blood pressure and the acidic environment of the stomach, causing increased heartbeat and headaches. Energy drinks are generally recommended to be consumed as rarely as possible. After all, in addition to caffeine, they also contain dyes, sugar, various chemicals, and gases, which spread the above-mentioned harmful substances throughout the body at an incredible speed. Energy drinks are fraught with gastritis with heartburn, as well as gastric ulcers.
Canned goods
Often, when buying tin or glass jars of canned food, we think only about the time saved, forgetting that they contain a large number of harmful additives: flavor enhancers, flavorings, preservatives, salt and sugar. And in cases of violation of production technology, third-party substances are added to all this, leading to botulism and severe poisoning.
Refined foods
Purified, refined products are deprived of almost all useful nutrients and, as a result, are no longer absorbed by the body. For example, polished rice is deprived of its rich vitamin grain shell. White flour is now similar to refined sugar - no nutritional value, only calories. The picture is aggravated by the addition of synthetic vitamins, since they are poorly absorbed and are practically unable to compensate for the lack of natural ones. And in the process of refining, not only harmful substances are removed from refined oil, but also natural vitamins, useful amino acids, and trans fats appear, which the body does not know how to cope with and remove. The result is stress, heart disease, atherosclerosis, ischemia, cancer, hormonal imbalances.
Chewy sweets and lollipops
Solid chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, sugar in such sweets cause irreparable harm to the gastrointestinal tract. And the sweetener aspartame is a source of phenylalanine, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
Low-calorie and low-fat foods
None of the "light" products can be called natural. They are just imitation of the taste and smell of the same yogurt, sour cream, milk and cottage cheese with the help of flavorings, thickeners, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. Instead of fat, modified starch is usually used, and sugar is replaced with an artificial sweetener, which causes a carbohydrate imbalance. And this is one of the reasons for excess weight.
It prevents vitamins from being absorbed by the body, has a detrimental effect on the kidneys and liver, and is also extremely high in calories. Also, everyone has long known about degenerative disorders in the cerebral cortex, oncology, genetic mutations, mental disorders and depressive states of people who drink. Very popular cocktails in tin cans are fraught with big problems with the heart due to the explosive mixture of caffeine, alcohol, sugar and chemicals.