We are living in an age of information technology prosperity, in an era when any mobile phone owner can access a huge amount of information in seconds.
Having a mobile phone at your fingertips, you can check your e-mail at any time, upload photos immediately after taking photos, purchase goods on the Internet, and transfer funds to your bank account. And you can do all this, just touching the screen of your smartphone.
To date, smartphones have learned to receive and send virtually instantly any amount of information. The instant availability of the data allowed the transfer of the service sector and other sectors of the economy to a completely different level, all without disrupting people from their daily activities.
Instead of waiting for the help of consultants by phone, consumers can ask for help in a special customer support chat, contact the company's representative through social networks and by e-mail.
"But, if a smartphone can solve a lot of problems, why do I need a smart clock at all? - you ask. "After all, is not this another publicity stunt aimed at making me spend more money?" This is just not the case! And you will see this as soon as you read about the benefits of smart watches.
A smart watch or a smart watch is a pretty new technology. This is a computerized wristwatch or a wristwatch that came to replace a popular in the past pocket personal digital assistant. The advantage of these watches is the provision of various useful functions, and each manufacturer offers something of its own, unusual and new to the consumer.
The standard model of smart watches can perform the basic tasks, for example, make the necessary calculations and perform the function of a pocket interpreter. Modern models of smart watches allow you to run mobile applications.
Instead of pulling out your mobile phone every time you want to listen to music or make an important call, you can use your smart watch for this. All the information you need will be at your fingertips, but not in the figurative, but in the truest sense of the word. Or rather, all the information you need will be right on your wrist.
Smart watches are somewhat similar to fitness trackers, because they synchronize with a smartphone via Bluetooth-connection. Thus, the clock provides access to some functions of the phone, in particular, to the list of contacts, which allows you to make calls or send text messages to people from the phone's contact list without reaching the phone.
Also you can listen to your favorite music right from the clock. Some manufacturers now offer to use smart watches without connecting to the smartphone, but their functionality is severely limited. In this connection it is desirable that the smart clock is always connected to your mobile device.
Initially, smart watches were conceived as devices that enhance the functionality of smartphones. The Bluetooth connection technology allows these two devices to work simultaneously.
With the advent of new models of smart watches in the market, smartphone owners are getting more and more alternatives when choosing this or that smart watch model.
Convenience. Let's face it. People like to be aware of everything that happens around. They want to feel involved in what is happening. That's what makes a smart watch so attractive to most consumers. Imagine that you can do all those operations for which you had to take your phone out of your pocket in a matter of seconds and you do not even have to get the phone out of your pocket. Fantastic, is not it? With smart watches, this became a reality. Smart clocks allow you to make and receive calls, as well as receive important updates. You can receive text messages, notifications and updates in an unobtrusive form.
smart watch
Availability. Unlike some new technologies, smart watches have fairly democratic prices. As they are an excellent addition to smartphones, more and more companies selling cell phones and accessories to them are engaged in their sale and promotion in the market. And even the most long-awaited model of smart watches is very affordable. As more and more companies want to jump onto the bandwagon of the train called "Smart Clock Market", the functionality of smart watches rises, and prices are rapidly declining.
Functionality. Some models of smart watches have built-in flash drives. More expensive smart watches have a built-in voice and gesture control module, cloud storage and data transfer technology, or a built-in fitness tracker to track your daily activity level. Many allow you to send text messages or tweets directly from your wrist. Imagine that you are sweating in the gym on a treadmill, and suddenly someone calls or writes an important message. You no longer have to randomly pull out your phone to see who is calling or writing to you. It is enough to look at the screen of your smart hours and decide whether you should answer right now or if someone who calls you or writes, can wait until you finish doing what you are doing.
The freedom of action. Everyone wants to be in touch, but let's face it, there are places where talking on the phone is simply inappropriate. And it does not matter if they are your relatives or very important clients. There are situations when talking on the phone is inappropriate, indecent or uncomfortable. In this case, to help you come smart hours that allow you to check and send messages right on the fly.
Personalized firmware. Application developers have complete freedom of action when it comes to developing applications and firmware for smart clocks. Companies are stimulating interest in the development of innovations in this area, creating special guides on how to "crack" software for smart hours. Like applications for smartphones, applications for smart clocks can be very interesting.
As you can see, there are a number of reasons why people would want to use smart clocks. According to a recent study, the researchers found that the average smartphone user checks the status of his phone up to 150 times a day or once every 6.5 minutes. It's amazing how much time we spend on your phone! Would not it be bad to do the same in less time?