
Espresso vs coffee 'normal': Are they two different types of coffee or a single one? What is the difference between espresso and 'normal' coffee? Do we really use different types of coffee beans? No, of course not, we are simply preparing it differently and with different models of coffee makers.


If you plan to immerse yourself in the world of coffee, one of the basic things you need to understand is the differences between coffee and an espresso. After that, you can show off talking about the espresso plants at any coffee fan meeting. So to continue with your learning about the subject, let's take a closer look and examine the main differences between coffee and espresso. Not only will you know for sure what it is when you talk about coffee and espresso, but you will also understand everything you need when you order yours.

Difference Between Espresso And 'Normal' Coffee

The key difference between espresso and 'normal' coffee is the preparation method used. Almost all espresso coffees are prepared with a much finer grind and not with the coarse grinding that you would use in a French coffee maker or a drip coffee maker. There really are no special "espresso beans".

When you buy the coffee beans, you always have to look at the label for Arabica coffee beans. They are the best. Yes, make sure they are 100% Arabica (and not Robusta).

There is only one exception. To prepare espresso coffee, we may find a mixture of Arabica and Robusta beans: it gives the coffee a different body and that is good for this type of coffee. You can also opt for a coffee with Robusta beans if you want an extra dose of caffeine: it has almost twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans.

To be honest? Espresso coffee looks better, right? the cream that forms on top, that thickness and that freshly prepared scent. When the best espresso machine 2019 expels the high-pressure water against the ground coffee it can dissolve more carbon dioxide, a compound that is produced in the coffee during the toasting process. When the coffee is extracted by the pressurized water it forms the cream that is the chief characteristic of espresso coffee.

What lesson can we learn from this? If you are using freshly roasted and fresher coffee, you will have more cream, because more foam will be produced. Otherwise, less cream will be formed.

How to prepare Espresso coffee:

The espresso coffee preparation uses a combination of pressure and water in a specific coffee machine. The grounded coffee is very finely placed in a filter basket so that it is more or less tight depending on the type of coffee we want to achieve.
The water is sent through the ground coffee, and in about 15 -20 seconds we have a cup of espresso.

Does espresso have more caffeine?

What determines the amount of caffeine in coffee is the grain itself, and the method of processing, time, grinding, etc. Robusta coffee beans contain more caffeine (around 50% more) than Arabica beans. A typical espresso coffee would have approximately 64 mg of caffeine. So it really depends on multiple factors.

What are Robusta coffee beans for?If we drink a 100% Robusta coffee we will not enjoy it much, but it can be used as part of a blend with Arabica coffee to get more mass in the coffee. That is why many types of coffees are created by mixing both types of beans.

How to Brew The Coffee?

If you are going to use the French press, or drip coffee machine, the underlying principle is the same. To prepare coffee, the average coffee beans are measured according to the amount of coffee you want to make and then placed on a paper filter. The hot water is used within 200 degrees Then it is poured over ground coffee and gravity does its magic. As the water falls through the coffee and the filter, the flavors are extracted from the ground coffee in the water.

The end result is a cup of coffee that can be enjoyed for a couple of hours after it is brewed initially, assuming it is kept at the proper temperature. This drink tastes very good, is soothing and can even give you a little encouragement when you need it most. This is the way that most people around the world enjoy their coffee, but it is not the only way.

Espresso and regular coffee offer something unique that coffee lovers can enjoy:

While there are some differences between the two drinks, they have much more in common than many of us believe. The important thing, in the end, is how you want to drink your coffee. Or do you prefer something with a fuller, full-bodied flavor that comes in a small package or wants something that you can drink and enjoy in more time than a couple of minutes each morning?

Once you answer this question, you will know which one is right for you. You can also enjoy both, depending on your mood, and there is nothing wrong with that. Still, knowing the difference between coffee and espresso can help you understand what kind of drink you are asking for and can help or guide others for the type of drink they may request.


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